Employment Supports

Employment supports are an essential part of Cheeverstown’s work in enabling people with disabilities to live full and meaningful lives. The key concepts of supported employment are paid jobs at normal rates, in ordinary everyday workplaces, with ongoing supports as needed. Employment supports are person-centred, individualised and flexible, based on the needs and preferences of each person.

A Job Coach works with each person to identity a suitable job and career path, and to identify the support needs for the first job. A person may complete a period of work experience to develop skills. Paid work is then sourced, ensuring a good match between the person’s skills and interests, and the demands of the job. The person is supported in the new workplace to learn the skills required and to adapt to the new workplace. The Job Coach then provides ongoing supports to the employee and the employer.

Employment is a powerful pathway for people to achieve other goals, such as independence, meaningful social roles, personal development, wellbeing and inclusion in our community. There are many benefits of employment, not least financial independence, but also social interaction and friendships; identity and status; confidence and self-worth. Employment gives us purpose in life and an opportunity to contribute to our communities and our society. Cheeverstown believes in the rights of people with disabilities to enjoy all these benefits as equal citizens of our society.

Supports in employment are one of the 12 supports of New Directions. Cheeverstown currently provides employment supports across a number of sectors - including retail, manufacturing, hospitality, media, public sector and administration.

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